United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is an agency under the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that oversees the country’s immigration system.

USCIS controls naturalization of current Lawful Permanent Residents that seek to become United States citizens. USCIS also makes determinations on family based petitions, including immediate relative and fiancee petitions.

USCIS also accepts humanitarian applications that include petitions and applications for victims of certain qualifying crimes, as well as applications for victims of human trafficking and victims of spousal abuse. USCIS also has discretionary power to grant temporary deferred action and waivers of certain grounds of inadmissibility.

Members of the United States military have expanded options for assisting their immediate family members obtain permanent lawful status in the United States.

To discuss what applications you qualify for, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Attorney Mantilla by calling our office or sending a message below.

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To have a discussion about what processes you may qualify for with USCIS, please send us a message.

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